Sara Bea invited to participate in Madrid Science Week
Sara Bea recently presented our project as part of a series of events celebrating Madrid’s Science Week. The session, see featured video http://www.semanacienciamadrid.org/galeria, gathered a variety of Spanish scientists working abroad and put them in conversation to reflect on the Declaration of the 1999 UNESCO World Conference on Science. Twenty years after, the Budapest Declaration on science and the use of scientific knowledge remains relevant and worth restating:
“1. We all live on the same planet and are part of the biosphere. We have come to recognise that we are in a situation of increasing interdependence, and that our future is intrinsically linked to the preservation of the global life-support systems and to the survival of all forms of life. The nations and the scientists of the world are called upon to acknowledge the urgency of using knowledge from all fields of science in a responsible manner to address human needs and aspirations without misusing this knowledge. We seek active collaboration across all the fields of scientific endeavour, that is the natural sciences such as the physical, earth and biological sciences, the biomedical and engineering sciences, and the social and human sciences. While the Framework for Action emphasises the promise and the dynamism of the natural sciences but also their potential adverse effects, and the need to understand their impact on and relations with society, the commitment to science, as well as the challenges and the responsibilities set out in this Declaration, pertain to all fields of the sciences. All cultures can contribute scientific knowledge of universal value. The sciences should be at the service of humanity as a whole, and should contribute to providing everyone with a deeper understanding of nature and society, a better quality of life and a sustainable and healthy environment for present and future generations.”